- One word, only one, gives us the solution to our sufferances,
It's the word : Love ( Sophocle ) -

Love quotations and sayings

Let's see an infant joy. A child who runs to his parents. Why is he happy ? Love gives joy and gives sense to things

( The Good Seed 2002 )

Love, the co-webmasters of Christian thought, Raharimanantsoa Pierrette and Ratsimbazafy Liantsoa Jenny

Pierrette & Liantsoa
( Vololona's picture )





Love and kindness are never wasted things. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver ( Barbara de Angelis )




You have lost many things,
but not the power of love

( The Thorn Birds )




Love cures people :
Both the ones who give it
and the ones who receive it
( Karl Menninger )




Where love rules, there is no will to power ; and where power predominates, there is lacking of love. The one is the shadow of the other ( Carl Jung )



Tafika Masina FJKM Ankadifotsy, Love, Christian thought, Webmaster Ravo.Madagascar

Ravo & Church mates 2012 - Ambohidehilahy
Ambatondrazaka Madagascar



Love is strong like death.
Nothing can resist to death when it comes
( The Good Seed 2006 )




Kissing is the best way
to say all without speaking
( Guy de Maupassant )




Few speech but much Love
( Charles Perrault )




Love, Christian thought, Webmaster Ravo.Madagascar

Those who love have conquered the world, without fear to lose something

( Paulo Coelho )

Love, Christian thought, Webmaster Ravo.Madagascar

        Terra Nostra, Love, Christian thought, Webmaster Ravo.Madagascar

Juliana & Matteo ( Terra Nostra series ) - Video capture & transformation : Ravo 2003 - 2006 - 2nd picture : Manambolo River - Ravo 2010 ©




Love does not consist of gazing at each other,
but in looking together in the same direction
( Antoine de Saint-Exupéry )




Those who loves doesn't need to compare ;
When comparison enters by the door,
love goes out through the windows
( Yahya Haqqi )




If you put Love in your days,
each day will be different
( Opus Dei )



Sifaka lemur and Ratsimbazafy Liantsoa Jenny, Love, Christian thought

Sifaka lemur & Liantsoa Jenny
Ravo Madagascar 2012 ©




There is no fear in Love ; perfect Love drives out all fear ( 1 John 4 : 18a )

Why to be worry about the future ? What do you do if this month you will lose your job ? If you will be sick ? If the death of one member of your family came to you as a shock ? The Bible shows you a God who loves men. His perfect Love will drive out your anxiety.

( The Good Seed 2002 )






I was certain of many things when I was young. Nowaday, I'm sure about only two things : I was a poor sinner, and the Christ saved me with his blood ( The Good Seed 2002 )




Hate the sin but love the sinner
( Gandhi )





For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him may not die but have eternal life ( John 3 : 16 )


You call it madness, but I call it LOVE ( Don Byas )


Love, Christian thought, Webmaster Ravo.Madagascar



It's like the ocean : you can't see the beauty of the beach if you don't observe it, so you can't sense the deep of God's Love if you don't accept it ( Billy Graham )


LOVE is patient, LOVE is kind.

Love does not envy, love does not boast, love is not proud.

Love is not rude, love is not self-seeking.

Love is not easily angered, love keeps no record of wrongs.

Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth.

It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails ( I Corinthians 13 : 4-8a )

        Love, the webmasters of Christian thought, Ravo.Madagascar and Raharimanantsoa Pierrette        



God is Love, and whoever lives in Love lives in union with God and God lives in union with him ( 1 John 4 : 16b )



Love proves its authenticity in fidelity, but it accedes to plenitude in forgiveness ( The Good Seed 2006 )



Love goes together with compassion & understanding,
Love never goes with hypocrisy, falsehood & injustice
( The Good Seed 2006 )



Love, Christian thought, oranges - lemons - grappe fruits - apples

Biblical Studies

To Love and to be Loved :

To be loved, to be heard and to be understood is vital for everybody. To love uses our mind, our soul and our body. Love is affection and dividing up.

He gives, not to take, not to receive ;
He waits, not to require, not to demand ;
He shares, not to possess ;

You learn 'to love' and 'to love' increases in you ...
( I Corinthians 13 : 4 - 7 ) - ( Pleased to The Lord January 2017 )






« God is Love » 1 John 4 : 16b

To divide the sun
A lot of people, a lot of tourists are profiting the sun on the beach. People come and come, so there will be no place soon. Is there enough sun for everybody ? Of course because the sun is so big. The sun gives good feeling and heat to everyone. So, the sun gives me full of light where I am, but it gives too full of light for all people where they are. The sun is so big for this !

It's the same with God's Love for everybody. Love is the nature of God. God is infinity, its Love too is infinity. Billions of people can feel it. In mathematics science, we know that when we divide infinity by a so great number, we have always infinity. It's the same with God's infinity Love. Everyone can have it and can feel it ; everyone can be completely filled by God's Love. Even if there are billions and billions of people, we will be always completely filled by this Love.

God is so big, it is the reason why He loves personally everybody and He takes care personally of everybody. For us, it's impossible to do this ; but for God who is infinity, it's possible for Him. Let's take this wonderful Love of God which is more precious than the heat of the sun ! ( The Good Seed 2011 - 1st of July )

Love, Christian thought, Webmaster Ravo.Madagascar

Drawing of the webmaster : Ravo 1991 - Drawing of Harry Anderson : 1957



« I have loved you with an everlasting Love ; I have drawn you with loving-kindness » says The Lord our God in Jeremiah 31 : 3


Love, Christian thought, Webmaster Ravo.Madagascar



RATSIMBAZAFY Ravo Nomenjanahary & Pierrette
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